When you head off to university, you bring everything you need to survive for an entire semester (or more) with you. To avoid forgetting anything important, create a complete packing list and make sure it includes the following.
A big problem students have is trying to bring too many clothes, as you may not have enough storage space for everything. If you’re returning home at the end of the semester, it’s only necessary to pack what you need for the season.
In addition to everyday clothes, make sure you have a professional outfit and a pair of dress shoes for interviews and formal dinners. It may also be worth having semi-formal wear for events with friends when you want to dress up. Lastly, make sure you have clothes suitable for all kinds of activities, including workout clothes, walking shoes, and a swimsuit.
Find out the size of your bed to ensure you bring the right bedding — twin XL is typical. You’ll need a mattress cover, mattress pad, comforter, a couple sets of sheets, and pillows with pillowcases.
School Supplies
Think about how you intend to study to decide what school supplies to pack. You may want to take all your notes on your laptop or you may prefer to use notebooks, which will mean you need pens, pencils, and erasers. You may also like to have highlighters, a ruler, scissors, and tape.
Cleaning Supplies
Although you’ll be able to pick up many cleaning supplies once you’ve moved in, it’s worth packing some things in advance. For instance, you’ll want a hamper for laundry, a vacuum, and an iron with an ironing board. Coordinate with your roommates to ensure you don’t bring doubles of things you can share.
You’ll also be able to pick up some toiletries once you’re in your university town, including shampoo, sunscreen, deodorant, and moisturizer. However, it’s worth packing some personal care products to have on hand as soon as you arrive. You’ll also want to purchase or bring things from home, including towels, a hairdryer, a first aid kit, and nail clippers.
In addition to your laptop (or tablet) and phone, you may need some other electronics, such as a mouse, flash drive, and speaker or headphones. Make sure you have all their chargers, too. Bear in mind that although you may need to print things, you’ll likely be able to use printers at school.
Think about what items you’ll want for your apartment — both to decorate and essentials. For example, you may like to have a desk lamp, an alarm clock (to avoid using your phone), a dry-erase board, and some over-the-door organizers. To decorate, you may like some framed photos, posters, or artwork, such as something you create yourself.
Make sure you have your ID easily accessible as well as papers related to your car registration and insurance. It’s also worth having your Social Insurance Number and birth certificate (or copies) in case you want to apply for jobs. Finally, bring an emergency contact list to share with roommates.
Avoid needing to bring furniture by moving into a fully-furnished apartment. Find rooms for rent near University of Alberta at 1TEN on Whyte. Our suites have one to four bedrooms and are decorated in a stylish, contemporary design. Contact us for a lease.